2/5 Giugno 2022 - Ormea (CN) - XXIII Congresso Nazionale di Speleologia

In ricordo di Giovanni Badino

Sito in costante aggiornamento!


2/5 Giugno 2022 - Ormea (CN) - XXIII Congresso Nazionale di Speleologia

In ricordo di Giovanni Badino


Warning, variations dues to the COVID-19 emergency, the congress will be postponed to a date to be assigned.

More than 150 abstracts have been delivered for the XXIII National Speleology Congress “The melody of the caves” that should have been held in Ormea (CN) from the 30th of May until the 2nd of June.

Sadly, the emergency situation in which Italy, Europe, and the whole world finds itself force us to other priorities and our music will play again, but further on…

So the rendez-vous is postponed to a date to be assigned, it is still too soon to make any prevision. Probably it will take place in 2021.

As soon as it will be possible we will find a date that will allow us to bring together speleology and science, exploration and research.

We would like to give visibility to the received abstract anyway, keep an eye on the website because we will update the sessions, giving space to curiosity. The deadline to submit the papers will of course be properly rescheduled, there will be the chance to update those who have already been submitted and to present some new ones.

Everything is in the making, everything evolves.

For those who have already paid the fee, please write us to iscrizioni@congressospeleo2020.it specifying the name and the IBAN code, so that we will be able to provide the refund (unfortunately we cannot act in an automatic way because the receipt you sent us doesn’t provide your IBAN code which is essential to the payment).

Waiting for better times, we wish you to spend this period In the best possible way.